Sunday, December 6, 2009

rr rrrr slacker saturday's so terrible?

If ya ain't sing'd up for random T1 freakyness or slackness get to it, do you need a terrible ride!! mmmmmmm this is soo dam terrible! How's the drop in Garret does, sick as F*#K! Garret is the man & i'm sure i got this vid on VHS some where hahhaa! Isaac the traveling gypsy is also dam terrible, nice to see bro (when ya back in NZ dude?).....& what's ya theory, Cream has got it, so dam juicy! Here's what Joe has to say 'bout d vid:

Damn, watching this sure does bring back some memories. Different times for sure. This was the very first edit I did after learning the editing basics of Final Cut. I had a string of injuries that began at the end of 2000 and ran the course of almost 2 years. Learning about video editing. The very first clip in this was so insane. Garrett Byrnes is one amazing dude! You have no idea. Not only the actual dropping in part, but the amount of work it took to find this place. Amazing to say the least. Hope y'all enjoy this little piece of T1's past. Cheers !

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